Specialised food products can be easily found is all supermarkets, usually in their own section.  These products are specifically made to be free from  a variety of common food allergens, most commonly cow’s milk, egg, wheat, gluten, nuts and soya.  The 14 food allergens shown below and  are required by law to be clearly marked in bold on the ingredients list of all products, including specialised food products.

14 food allergens

14 food allergens

These specialised food products are often expensive and not always a “healthy” choice.  They may contain high levels of added sugars, preservatives and food additives.  Do look at the label and select foods as close to their natural state as possible.

Prescription products

Foods for special medical purposes are available on prescription via your GP only as indicated and for specified conditions.  For example, gluten free prescription staple foods eg. pasta, flour and bread for individuals diagnosed with the coeliac disease or dermatitis hepatiformis. These foods are not prescribable for wheat intolerance, and often contain wheat as de-glutenised wheat starch.

Infant formulas for specific conditions are available on prescription and should only be used where indicated and under close supervision by a paediatric dietitian, paediatrician or GP.